Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Special Needs Training, Continued

The first picture is the poster sign for this training, you gotta love it! Xiao Qing is one of our kids from Kaifeng under foster care, nutrition, and also education. This picture was taken one year ago, and she looks so healthy and smart.

The second day of training was begun by our great friends from Small Word Adoption, Kathy and Lily did an amazing job for the SN adoption talk standing there instead of sitting there. The stories of the adoption made all the staff there impressed. Then Nancy Delpha talked about nutrition and cleft nutrition, we provided 2 cases of cleft bottles and after the talk, all the SWIs came in a hasty and they were gone very fast, and still many SWIs came to Stephanie for more bottles since they didn't get even one. Stephanie left everyone of them the business card, and she will mail them some on receiving more.

Then the officials from Henan Civil Affairs talked about the adoption paperwork, everyone listened so carefully that they want to grasp every opportunity for every child's adoption.

Because the location of the training is in such a historic city (Kaifeng) we took a sight-seeing tour. We learned a lot about the city and its culture. It was wonderful and we are very happy to be here!

Nancy and Stephanie