There is an absolutely darling new arrival at the orphanage, this sweet little angel who was born with Down’s Syndrome. She looks nice and toasty, and I absolutely LOVE her little hat!
As you can see, she has some lovely, round cheeks and is doing very well on the formula that you have been sending. We are happy to see that the other children all look wonderful, and have put on weight since our visit in November. At that time we upgraded the formula for some of the children with more serious medical needs, and we are thrilled to see how good they all look!
It’s been a cold winter, but the children are all bundled up well and there is plenty of warm bedding in each of the cribs.
Thank you all for keeping the children of Deyang in your hearts. I see enormous improvement from when we started this program a year ago, and we are all so thankful for your support! Our nutrition coordinator for Deyang, Sharon Yoxsimer, is on her way back from China with a new daughter, and I know she joins me in giving thanks for everything you have done.
With a grateful heart,
Jan Champoux
Nutrition Director, Love Without Boundaries