I am so excited to share with all of you the opening of our brand new foster care program at the Huainan SWI in the Anhui province. Many of you may recognize the name of this orphanage as being the home to one of our Believe In Me schools. Since our earliest contact with this SWI, we have seen and felt the need for a nurturing foster care program to be in place here. A few months ago, at the urging of several LWB volunteers that were visiting the SWI, the director agreed to begin a program there.
We will be starting the program with 10 of the most adorable little ones you have ever seen! We have 8 girls and 2 boys ... all born in 2007 ... that will be entering foster care sometime this week. They will be placed with foster families that are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to hold and love them. Most of you know how important the role of foster care is in a child's life. This will greatly improve their physical and emotional lives and give them a better opportunity to find their forever families through adoption.
Because of the website difficulties, potential sponsors may contact our foster care program to get the information to begin their sponsorship. Please email foster@lwbmail.com if you are interested in sponsoring one of these beautiful babies.
Thank you,
Margie Creel
Huainan Foster Care Coordinator
Love Without Boundaries
"Every Child Counts"