Editing down 22 minutes of video to about 2 minutes (click on the title to view the video) took several hours deciding on which singing groups, which scenes of children eating out of candy bags, which images of children enjoying a holiday party should be used. The more I looked and listened attempting to whittle off seconds of a scene, the more minute details of the Believe In Me education program I noticed. What do we all look at when we attend a school performance?

The students’ joy in performing songs learned, some accompanied by dance steps boosts their pride. A satisfied smile, a shy smile and sometimes a relieved smile for the appreciative applause. The back ground scene of students singing and clapping along even when they were not center stage demonstrates the enthusiastic chorus. The mischievous girl who rushed to pick up a tinsel garland that had fallen off one of the performers and started dancing around with it herself, causing fits of giggles among the children. All small details and many more but similar to the warm details we tend to notice in school performances.
The children in the Believe In Me programs are enjoying their special moments as all children should. Most importantly the children in Believe In Me have that special someone in the audience too that has come just to see them. And that is all the sponsors.
Thank you to each and every sponsor who has made these special moments possible.
Karin Cooper
Believe in Me Huainan Assistant Coordinator