The war in Vietnam claimed the lives of 58,217 American soldiers.
That is two-thirds of the population of New York City.
Think about that—two-thirds of all the people in NYC suddenly without a home!
The population of Finland is 5.2 million—almost an entire country homeless.
Love Without Boundaries has delivered formula to Chongqing Civil Affairs, and we are currently working on long-term relief efforts. We have a doctor visiting three orphanages in the hardest hit areas to assess the situation for us. Once we receive his report and recommendations, we will be better able to decide how to best use the funds our supporters have entrusted to us.
We appreciate every organization and individual who are working to help with relief efforts. Although our efforts are small compared with the magnitude of this disaster, we know that the combined efforts of many groups and people will make a difference for those in need.
Thank you so much for your support and concern for the victims of this tragedy.
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