As an active member in the digital scrapbooking world, I came across a wonderful site called Songbird Avenue. The co-owners, Jan Crowley and Meredith Fenwick are accomplished digital designers that created this site for the purpose of benefiting charities. Each month a guest designer creates an exclusive digital kit which is sold for the period of one month. The guest designer gets to choose which charity benefits from the sale of the kit and 100% of the profits are donated to that charity. I've purchased several of their kits and they are very nice, created by some of the top names in the digital scrapbooking world. They are well worth the money.
Last month I emailed Jan Crowley and asked her to consider LWB for a future charity. She explained that the designers choose their charity but she would definitely include LWB in the list of suggested charities and she even wrote about LWB on her blog. As luck would have it, September's designer, Carrie Stephens, read Jan's blog and chose LWB for September's Charity.
Starting today, you can download Faded Sapphire at for just $8.00. All the profits made from the sale of this kit during the month of September will benefit LWB. Even if you do traditional scrapbooking, you can still purchase this kit and print off the papers and various elements and use them in traditional scrapbooks. Here is the preview of the kit. As you can see, the kit offers many possibilities. I do hope you will consider purchasing the kit and encourage others to do the same.
Elaine Mann
(All of us at LWB would like to send out a huge thank you to Elaine for thinking of such a creative way to help children in China, and we also wish to thank Songbird Avenue for this wonderful opportunity to raise needed funds for our programs! Xie Xie!)