Monday, December 04, 2006


How wonderful it is to get wonderful updates from China on our programs. One of those updates we have received involves three of our programs - Foster care, Medical and Nutrition. In a very poor orphanage in Central China, where the basic needs of the children are just being met, a wonderful foster care program has been created. This involves the tiniest cleft babies. So that these babies can get extra care and nutrition to get ready for their surgeries, we have placed a group of six babies into foster care in a neighborhood cluster. How nice it is for these foster mothers to have the support of each other. In addition to the support, these families have started a friendly competition to see whose baby can gain the most weight. These babies are all getting the best formula through our nutrition program. This has even expanded in this neighborhood where there is now a waiting list of families who would like to foster a cleft affected child.

Recently, three babies had surgery in Hefei during our cleft trip and they look wonderful! Each child was chubby and well loved. In addition, the two smallest babies will soon be transferred for their surgeries too. Every child looks so great and will have the very best chance at finding a family.