Baby Express
Two of the little babies that we have been helping received permission to be transfered to PHF in Beijing. One of these babies is a sweet heart baby named Long. He has a very serious heart defect and has had the first part of a two part heart surgery. The other baby is Shuang, a baby girl with a severe bilateral cleft. Shuang had her lip repaired this week during our cleft trip. Because Tim Baker and his crew had their hands full taking their 10 other cleft babies back to Beijing, they couldn't take two more babies with them on the train. What to do???
Well, how about Julie and Arlene stepping forward as ayis to carry the babies to Beijing and their new home? Yes, that is just what they agreed to do! We have the absolute best LWB volunteers! :-)
Just imagine loads of luggage, two tiny babies who had never seen these strange women, diapers, bottles, etc. Arlene and Julie did it (with Colm, Julie's husband, to help schlep the luggage)!!! They delivered their charges safely into the hands of their new ayis.