This gorgeous and handsome young man is Chuan's best friend, Yang. You might remember Chuan from previous blogs. He is the 12 year old who had neurosurgery on his spine and who wants to be a doctor some day. After he had surgery in Shanghai, he was moved to an orphanage in Hangzhou where he could study and get the PT he needed every day.
Yang and Chuan originally were from the same orphanage in
When we told Chuan in all excited about the chance to go to school except for one thing...he wouldn't be able to see Yang again. So he asked if we could send some gifts for Yang and asked to visit him if we ever had the chance.
Of course, when that chance came, we didn't forget about Chuan's wish. Our mobile medical van was to visit Yang’s orphanage this month. One of our volunteers went shopping for Yang and got some really cool looking T-shirts, pants, a big dictionary, an encyclopedia and some study supplies for him. She thoughtfully printed out some pictures of Chuan, including Chuan's favorite picture of himself for Yang to see. Yang was so happy receiving all the gifts that came in the name of Chuan for him. Of course, he was thrilled to see Chuan's pictures and see how much he had changed. He hopes that he will be able to see him sometime in the near future.
Everybody on the trip, including the orphanage staff, were so touched by their brotherhood. We definitely hope that someday these special friends can meet again.