Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy Hao!

When we first received the picture of little Hao, I knew I wanted to do something to put a smile on his face. He looked like a healthy little boy in all ways but one. Hao was missing part of a leg.

Missing his left leg made it very hard for him to walk and play like little boys should. His orphanage wanted to help him so that he could do all of the things that typical three year old little boys should do. They wanted him to be fitted for a prosthetic leg and the local children’s hospital had a great orthopedic department that could help him. They asked us if we could please help raise the money to help this little boy.

Thanks to a generous sponsor, Hao’s dream came true. On Hao’s special day, he went to the hospital to be fitted for his new leg. His ayi and the doctor measured and fitted the leg so that it was just the right size. In no time, he was standing and walking, feeling so proud!

Look at that smile on his face…….it says it all!