Thursday, August 07, 2008

Happy Birthday, Qing!

If you read our July newsletter, you may remember a tiny little heart baby named Qing who would be celebrating his first birthday in August. He had been through a lot; having heart surgery for a VSD and also fighting pneumonia, he just wasn't getting stronger or gaining any weight. We sent Qing some Wyeth Gold formula to help him recover, even before he left the hospital. At the end of the article, I mentioned that I was looking forward to seeing a few extra chins and fat rolls. Well . . . "ask and you shall receive!" We just received a new photo, and I cannot believe the difference after just two months of formula and one month in foster care!

Our little man has about a week's worth of formula left; so we called our formula supplier and found that they had an outlet right there in Qing's hometown. They graciously decided to give us a better price on the formula and deliver it to the orphanage in person! Happy birthday, Qing, and we look forward to seeing even more fat rolls!

Jan Champoux
Nutrition Director